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Sphero Robotics - An Introduction
Sphero Site and Accounts
Educator Accounts Intro to video
Educator Account Video (2:08)
Introduction to Sphero site video
Sphero Site and Login Video (3:57)
iPad account login introduction
iPad account login Video (2:09)
Sphero Pairing and App Connection
Bluetooth Pairing Introduction
Bluetooth Pairing Video (2:21)
Sphero App Connection Introduction
Sphero App Connection Video (1:43)
Firmware Update
Firmware Introduction
Firmware Update Video (1:40)
Driving Sphero Manually
Introduction to manual driving
Manual Driving Video (6:21)
Deleting programs
Deleting programs introduction
Deleting Programs Video (1:36)
Coding Sphero to Move
A simple back and forth
Simple forward and return video (13:16)
Uploading Code
Uploading code introduction
Uploading code to Sphero Video (2:33)
Turning Sphero Basics
Turing Sphero Introduction
Turning Sphero Video Introduction (4:27)
Sphero the first coded turn (4:09)
The first turn explained (1:38)
A delay before turning (1:20)
Why the delay worked (1:12)
Two right turns (1:26)
Sphero App Connection Video
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